The doors are open. The show starts. You are going to watch a bullfight, like the ones you can tune on the Bullfight TV Channel 24/7. But there is something different about this one, and you already realized: all the stuff that defines your favourite event are now on the background.
Time to pump up the volume.
You do not hear “oles”, claps or people cheering. Music has not presence at all. Every musical note or ambient sounds are covered by the breathing of a dying animal, who is also the target of the cameras. So, you wait a few seconds trying to figure out what’s wrong with the sound. Meanwhile someone starts to speak. He is a veterinary and he talks about how deep was the last hit with the puya and about why the bull is vomiting blood. And then you watch the blood coods as big as the sandwich you prepared before. It’s disgustting, but it seems nobody in the TV control seems to be affected.
These are not visual or sound effects recorded in a studio.
This is real.
Both if you are against or in favour to bullfights, you must know that what you are watching is exactly what title says: a bullfight. Just one of the almost ten thousand celebrated every year around the whole world.
Date: 02.05.18 Open: 16:00 Start: 17:00