Hey dear friends,
it’s time for the first F_Streik solidarity bar! We want to combine the nice things with the useful things: a night with FLINTA*s, room for communication and various drinks whilst collecting plenty of money for people facing repression because of their feminist
The bar will take place at Altes Sportamt on friday, 17.9. starting at 7 pm. We’ll bring special drinks, a raffle with nice prices and music, you’ll have to bring a current Covid-19 rapid test. The bar is FLINTA* only. We don’t want anybody denied their identity based on their looks – all
FLINTA*s are very welcome. We’re looking forward to a nice night with you all!
Your F_Streik Bremen
P.S. cis men can give their frinds some money to donate, we’ll also find
a way for donations later on
FLINTA*: women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and a gender people
// oder ohne people